Research Supporting Orthomolecular Approaches to Schizophrenia

Research Supporting Orthomolecular Approaches to Schizophrenia

Research and clinical data supporting the therapeutic use of nutrients for schizophrenia includes:

Hoffer's original double blinds introducing nutritional psychiatry
Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, introduced double blinds to psychiatric research with his early niacin studies in the sixties. But, as a physician pledged to do no harm, he eventually decided not to deprive controls (patients) of treatments which he had observed to work, so as not to place them at risk of permanent deterioration, or death.

Hoffer's clinical results with 10,000 schizophrenic patients
Over the next half century, Hoffer practiced orthomolecular psychiatry, eventually treating 10,000 schizophrenic patients, most of whom recovered to a degree not expected with conventional treatments.

Hoffer's discovery of Niacin/ Vitamin C megadose treatment

Hoffer's discovery of Niacin/ Vitamin C megadose treatment

The Discovery of Megavitamin Therapy

Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, founded Megavitamin Therapy, now called Orthomolecular Psychiatry. He began this research in a hospital in Saskatchewan, Canada, in the early 1950's, with a half dozen double blinds investigating megadose niacin and vitamin C for schizophrenia. These studies introduced double blinds to the field of psychiatry.

Schizophrenia: Vitamins work! But take Time and Fine-Tuning.

Schizophrenia: Vitamins work! But take Time and Fine-Tuning.


Drugs, when they work, usually create relatively rapid improvement, until tolerance develops and side effects set in.
Nutrients are usually slow, so that at first it may not be obvious that they are working at all. Usually, improvement is subtle, almost unnoticeable day-to-day. Much subtler than drugs.
But effectiveness compounds with time. Multiple nutrients have a multiplicative effect. And, tailored appropriately to the individual, virtually no significant side effects (except enhanced general health). After all, nutrients nourish and are essential to health by definition.